
what i miss is:

For long time I thought I missed him around me...or missed me around him...or even missed him missing me...This was never true...the truth is:

I just missed being loved

and of course I mean "that kind " of love...and the most important thing is to be able to love this person back so it isn't a matter of "him" being out of my life...it is a matter of being without that " special some one" who loves me and who has the ability to make me love him back...to be able to dream of a future with this some one and to be willing to fight for him...I've never been a fighter, but today I feel that I miss this some one (who hasn't come yet) who will turn me to a fighter…

Will he ever come?

Will he come while I want him to come, or he will just wait till I give up and stop waiting for him?


مروة said...

Shrouk, your words are very true though it is painful.
May you never missing any thing/one, you must be sure that: He will come when "God" want him to be come!
Hope that he come sooner than you expect.

Anonymous said...


آيــة said...

تنهيدة طويلة
و غمزة
و ابتسامة من جوه اوي انتي عارفة بتتمنى ايه


آيــة said...

فاكرة يوم ما كنت عندك و احنا قاعدين ع الارض .. كنت كل شوية بقولك نفسي ف ايه ...

اهو عشان ده التنهيدة الطويلة..

و فاكرة كومنت زمااااااان عملته عندك قلتلك فيه ان بكرة (الأحلى ) جاي قريب اوي للي مش مستعجلين ,,

اهو عشان كده الغمزة ..

و عشان الحالة اللي حطني فيها البوست .. ابتسامة من جوه اوي .. عارفة بتمنالك ف سكوتها ايه


زى الهوا said...

or he will just wait till I give up and stop waiting for him?

ايوووووووووون متهيألى ناخد كل اللى بعد اور دا


يارب اشوفك سعيده ياشروق قريببببببببببببببب